Tzabar Reiss (born June 29th 1973) is an Israeli-American mobster born in San Fierro. Tzabar is a known made member of an Israeli crime syndicate named the Attias Empire. He is thought to have played a role in the construction of Absolute, a thriving gentlemens club in Temple, Los Santos. He is known to have a close affiliation with a high ranking member, Yaakov Swissa, and he is known to be part of the Ohayon crew.
Early Life[]
Tzabar was born in San Fierro General Hospital to Abrahem and Gabra Reiss. Tzabar was the first generation of American immigrants from his family. From an early age Reiss was associated with the criminal underworld of San Fierro, such as when he was seven, he was known to have operated petty crimes for a Chinatown based to-be crime legend; Huang Tung. Reiss was also fascinated by motor vehicles and at the age of ten, and he got a job in a Doherty garage, then known to be operated by the Gvardia Mob. Reiss did well in school, passing his exams with all A's and attended two years at Law School.
Moving to Los Santos[]
Reiss moved to Los Santos in 1994 to seek work. Whilst in the city he met fellow Israeli; Zion Hadad. Hadad worked with a small time mob, the Attias Empire. Hadad managed to arrange a job proposal to work at East Los Santos' Itach Shawarma. After working for nearly a year at the establishment, local crew captain, Yoni Kafni noticed the young thriving Reiss and watched him closly for the next weeks.
Prime Years[]
Kafni eventually brought Reiss under his command in late December, allegedly saying it was an "Early Christmas Present." Reiss was not often used for killing, due to Kafni needing his knowledge of Law and Business, and quickly made him the duty manager at Itach's. After a gun hold up of the store, in which Reiss lept at a gun man, disarming and then eventually killing him, he came to the attention of known boss Kobi Swissa. Swissa often used him for his knowledge and only rarely used him for violence. Some time in the next three years, Reiss allegedly became a made man, working for crew captain Benny Ohayon, as a enforcer.